Main Features
- Allow formation of small groups to encourage you a more personal connection with the members and broaden the scope to support each other.
- Audio and video calls sends a call alert to every member of the group irrespective of the purpose of the call - may be social or an emergency.
- Motivate to organise regular meet up with your group members in person for a cup of coffee or for a fun activity and it is always easy as you are not very far away from each other.
- Opens up a new way to support each other emotionally and mentally. Most of the time you need someone to listen to your or say a nice word and in Couch you have your own small group.
- A new way to seek service as a group and share the payment for a paid service. A service that can be provided online will have a place in Couch.
- If you are a service provider, then it opens up the possibility to offer your service to a group online in the convenience and in the comfort of your own space.